Cloud technology is being adopted across most industries today, but there are still individuals that are apprehensive about it – even CIOs. Some are still concerned that they are putting their business at risk by moving to the cloud. However, as Vittorio Della Rossa shared in a January 28 letter to CIOs, constant change is […]
The Cloud is a Must for Big Data Analytics
James Kobielus, senior program director, Big Data Analytics at IBM contributed an article on October 30 to Wired. Titled “Five Ways to Move Your Big Data Projects Into the Cloud”, this article provides an excellent overview of why companies should be looking to cloud computing technology to handle their mountains and mountains of data. […]
Six Ways IBM Power Systems Can Help Maximize the Cloud
There are many significant benefits of cloud computing that are driving its demand. This IT delivery model offers flexibility, lower costs, quicker access to advanced technologies, and much more. However, some IT professionals have voiced frustration when cloud computing is used in their data centers. Challenges from security issues and scalability to workload performance and […]
Back to Cloud Basics
We have posted many blogs over the past few years about cloud computing, what it is, how it works, the benefits it offers, concerns over security, etc. Chris Dotson, a cloud expert at IBM recently wrote a blog about the cloud which is an excellent summary if you need to help educate your peers about […]
IBM’s Power GM Predicts Biggest IT Trends for 2014
Doug Balog, general manager for IBM Power Systems was interviewed by IBM Systems Magazine – Power Edition for the cover story of the January 2014 issue about his thoughts on the biggest trends for the coming year. Tami Deedrick, the publication’s editor, asked some excellent questions that resulted two common themes: innovation and change. […]
Unknown Benefits of Cloud Computing
Joe McKendrick, a contributor of Forbes magazine, wrote an article on July 21 titled “5 Benefits of Cloud Computing You Aren’t Likely to See in a Sales Brochure.” Of course, he mentioned the key advantages most cloud computing companies mention: cost savings, elasticity, scalability, load bursting, and storage on demand. […]
5 Questions To Determine If Cloud Computing Is Right For You
In this blog, we have addressed cloud computing quite a bit. We have discussed the different types of cloud computing, reasons to move to the cloud, how to move to the cloud, why it makes sense for small business, and much more. […]
10 Companies Impacting Cloud Computing
Julie Bort wrote an article for Business Insider a few months ago listing the “10 Most Important In Cloud Computing.” Her top 10 were: […]
Why the Cloud Technology Makes Sense for Small Businesses
Whether you realize it or not, most small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are using cloud technology in one way or another. According to an infographic on Line Shape Space, small businesses in the U.S. spent $3.5 billion on cloud technology in 2011, up 41% from the $2.2 billion in 2010. SMBs are using the cloud […]
Avoid The Hidden Cost Of Outsourcing
Most IT professionals have been in the situation where they have purchased a product or service at a specific price point and then during the implementation phase or even during on-going maintenance the costs continue to creep up. […]