With its IBM PureSystems line, Big Blue has set out to tackle one of the biggest challenges of the modern Enterprise Data Center; Infrastructure Integration. Companies today are now using multiple computer networks, utilizing different operating systems across multiple physical machines with different architectures, which control everything from their telecommunications to their project workflow. Managing and Integrating […]
5 Questions To Determine If Cloud Computing Is Right For You
In this blog, we have addressed cloud computing quite a bit. We have discussed the different types of cloud computing, reasons to move to the cloud, how to move to the cloud, why it makes sense for small business, and much more. […]
To Lease or Not to Lease Technology
The debate on leasing or buying cars has been going on for a few decades. There are pros and cons when it comes down to each individual’s specific situation and preference. A similar debate has occurred in the technology arena with the choice between leasing or purchasing equipment, such as computers, networking equipment, servers, and […]
IBM i5 / OS V5R4 Software Maintenance
Are you running IBM’s i5 or OS V5R4? If so, it is probably the lifeblood of your technology infrastructure and is essential that it remains fully operational. It is a rugged operating system in terms of its stability and reliability, but is also one of the most long-lived operating systems in the history of computing. […]
10 Companies Impacting Cloud Computing
Julie Bort wrote an article for Business Insider a few months ago listing the “10 Most Important In Cloud Computing.” Her top 10 were: […]
Why the Cloud Technology Makes Sense for Small Businesses
Whether you realize it or not, most small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are using cloud technology in one way or another. According to an infographic on Line Shape Space, small businesses in the U.S. spent $3.5 billion on cloud technology in 2011, up 41% from the $2.2 billion in 2010. SMBs are using the cloud […]
To Upgrade or Buy a New IBM Power i
Our technical department is asked a wide range of questions and a common theme is whether an organization should upgrade an older product or just buy a new one. When it comes to older iSeries environments running V5R4, it is recommended to buy new for three key reasons: […]
Be Prepared With A Strong IT Disaster Recovery Solution
Hurricane season began June 1st and will last until November 30. We have typically thought it was the southern states that had to worry about hurricanes and develop disaster recovery plans to ensure their business continuity. However, after Hurricane Sandy in 2013, the northeastern states have also come to realize that they are not immune. […]
IBM i 7.1 Tech Refresh 6
In this month’s issue of IBM Systems Magazine, Andrew Goade wrote an article on “Setting Up IBM i With PureFlex” which talks about IBM i 7.1 Technology Refresh (TR6) make significant strides to integrate IBM i into the PureFlex environment. According to Goade, “This Technology Refresh introduces N-Port ID Virtualization (NPIV) connection to V7000, a […]
Why Upgrade Your As400 or iSeries?
If it’s not broken, there is no need to fix it, right? Not necessarily. When it comes to technology and your IT infrastructure is working “fine”, why spend the time and money (and deal with the headaches) to upgrade to the latest and greatest solutions? This is a question heard frequently from AS/400 and iSeries […]