As we continue into the 21st century and our telecommunications network grows worldwide, it’s becoming increasingly common for businesses to see their employees working remotely. Whether it’s someone at home with a sick child, or a worker who’s been assigned to a post in another country, they still need to be able to communicate and […]
5 Reasons To Implement Microsoft Exchange Web Services
When it comes to having a cloud-based solution for your business’s email needs, there are still few options that are better than the Microsoft Exchange Web Services system. With a history going back nearly 15 years, Exchange has become the standard platform for distributed email management, and it’s still a fine choice for businesses today. […]
Microsoft Exchange Service: Types of Companies Using It
The Microsoft Exchange service is one of the single most popular distributed email applications in the world, rivaled almost solely by Google’s Gmail service. Thanks to its robust selection of features and excellent support, Exchange is being used by millions of businesses, public sector offices, and other enterprises worldwide. […]
Microsoft Exchange Service: Is It Best For Your Business
Email is the lifeblood of any modern 21st Century business. While voice messaging has not vanished completely, email has become the dominant form of communication in most medium and large-sized enterprises, due to its ease of use, reliability, and easy accessibility. […]
Increase Productivity With Microsoft’s Online Services
With the rise of cloud computing in the business world, it was inevitable that Microsoft would get in on it. This started with their Business Productivity Online Standard (BPOS) suite, which offered a number of sharing and collaboration tools. […]
Microsoft Office 365: Top 5 Benefits
Microsoft Office 365 is Microsoft’s big jump into the world of online productivity, taking most of the features of their offline Office suite and moving them into a cloud-based solution. In doing this, Microsoft challenged Google head-on in the world of cloud applications, and they have so far acquitted themselves well. […]
4 Key Features of IBM PureFlex System
The new IBM PureFlex line of networking solutions incorporate a wide array of new features and ideas, all aimed at making networking easier, more reliable, and more cost-effective than previous systems. If you’re looking to expand your network and want a system that can expand to meet your needs, without also expanding its cost to […]
IBM PureFlex System Delivers Efficiency in 4 Ways
Efficiency has long been one of the holy grails of network management, yet in recent years, it seems to have been slipping away from us. According to industry estimates, up to 70% of enterprise IT budgets are spent, not on new and better equipment, but simply on overhead and maintenance of existing resources.The IBM PureFlex […]
IBM PureFlex System Is Giving Your Infrastructure Choice and Control
One of the biggest fears any company has when investing in IT infrastructure is that they will get locked into an expensive system that does not meet their needs or limits their ability to expand. As IT continues to grow more complex, this has become a legitimate problem. Too many network solutions today are based […]
IBM PureFlex System Paves the Road For Cloud Computing
It’s quickly becoming common knowledge that businesses everywhere are coming to embrace cloud computing. Because of the versatility that the cloud offers for IT systems, for everything from extended storage to remote access, making use of the cloud can be a boon for a wide range of businesses. However, you need a network that can […]