As explained in the February 26 blog post “Understanding Cloud: Infrastructure-as-a-Service vs. Platform-as-a-Service”, IaaS is the cloud computing service that provides the servers and networking components – essentially the infrastructure of a computing environment. Through the IaaS model, organizations are basically renting their IT infrastructure from an expert service provider. There are many reasons for […]
Moving to the Cloud: Is the Cloud Secure?
One of the biggest concerns of cloud computing has been security. It is very similar to when people were worried about using their credit cards online fearing their data would be stolen. However, with time and tight security controls, online shopping has grown to the point that Cyber Monday was created and well over $1 […]
Moving To The Cloud: Should I Use Private, Public, Or A Hybrid Cloud
Like the clouds in the sky where we have the low stratus clouds, the high cirrus clouds and cumulus clouds with vertical development, in the world of technology there are also different types of clouds that could use some explanation. Today, we will break the cloud computing deployment models down into three categories: Private, Public […]
SMBs Leverage The Cloud In 2013
As stated in our last blog, cloud computing is here to stay. Industry experts are predicting that more organizations will continue to move to the cloud, including small and mid-sized businesses (SMBs). In Wired Magazine’s Innovative Insights blog, Brian Patrick Donaghy shares cloud computing market predictions from the top industry research firms for 2013: […]
Understanding Cloud: Infrastructure-as-a-Service vs. Platform-as-a-Service
To understand the difference between Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), we first need to clearly define cloud computing. Simply put by Wikipedia, it is the use of computing resources (hardware and software) that are delivered as a service over a network (typically the Internet). Lets dive into these two different services which will give you […]
4 Ways Cloud Computing Will Impact Small and Medium-Sized Businesses in the Future
By now, most IT professionals agree that cloud computing has lived up to the hype and has posited itself as a truly useful enterprise tool. Adoption rates among small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) is through the roof – up from 14% deployment in 2010 to 39% in 2011. Not only is the use of cloud […]
A New Way of Thinking with System Virtualization
“We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.” -Albert Einstein What an all-encompassing and universal quote from Einstein. I’m sure that, were he alive today, he would suggest that a new way of thinking be applied to our IT problems. And that new way of thinking is system virtualization. […]
Customers Report IT Operational Efficiencies and Cost of Virtualization Benefits
When we talk about taking the plunge into virtualization, the most pressing question is always “Yes, but how is it going to affect my bottom line?” The evidence is there. Among the myriad virtualization benefits, it is most obviously and importantly going to have a significant impact on your bottom line. In fact, VMWare’s virtualization […]
5 Best Practices for Your Data Protection Strategy
Is your company’s data protection strategy sufficient for the realities of modern Internet communications? Data protection is of increasing concern to any business which keeps any secured or non-private information on themselves or their customers. For one thing, according to a recent Verizon survey, unwanted data intrusions were at an all-time high in 2011-2012, with […]
ABC Business Event: Learn The Benefits of IBM PureSystems and What It Brings to the Table with Business Demands
Flexibility is perhaps the single most important survival trait in successful 21st Century businesses. The world moves so quickly today, and new trends in business can overtake industries in a matter of months. No matter how large your business is, it needs the flexibility to change, optimize, and improve in the face of new industry […]