The cost savings are one of the key benefits of a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) program. If you haven’t developed a Bring Your Own Device program then check out this article. It is pretty obvious that with employees purchasing their own devices, businesses save money on hardware, as well as support costs. In addition, the IT department […]
Developing a Bring Your Own Device Policy
Just with most HR-related benefits, a BYOD program needs to have a policy to ensure all employees understand the parameters of the program. Therefore, as you are in your planning process, you need to develop a comprehensive policy to ensure that you minimize the risk for your corporate assets and you maximize your employees’ ability […]
Managing A Bring Your Own Device Program
It is hard enough for an IT department to manage all of the devices that it purchases, rents or leases, but adding in those devices that employees purchase on their own is a whole other challenge. Learning best practices of running a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program is essential before actually implementing one in […]
Infrastructure Requirements for Desktop Virtualization or VDI
Before we get into the requirements for desktop virtualization or VDI, let’s first make sure we are all on the same page with the definition. VDI actually refers to “virtual desktop infrastructure”, which is the hosting of user desktop environments on remote servers and/or blade PCs, which are accessed over a network using a remote […]
IT Practices: Learn about BYOD “Bring Your Own Device” Programs
Some argue this accessibility to information improves work-life balance giving employees the ability to work on a more flexible schedule. While others believe it leads to employees always being connected to work and deterring the work-life balance. Either way, we live in a technology-centric society and we now need to adapt our IT practices to […]
Addressing IT Security Concerns with BYOD Programs
BYOD “Bring Your Own Device” programs are gaining popularity in the workforce. They offer many advantages, such as empowering employees to use the devices that they prefer and reducing technology costs for an organization. However, they also present a few challenges – it security concerns being a significant hurdle to address. […]
The Future Of Cognitive Computing According To IBM
Jeff Bertolucci wrote an interesting article for InformationWeek on May 29 titled “IBM’s Vision For Cognitive Computing Era.” He discussed how real-time analytics will provide us with the capabilities to make smarter decisions. We have been hearing and seeing for a while now how technology helps us make more educated decisions; however, Bertolucci’s article says […]
Upgrading from OS/400 V5R4 to V7R1 Tips
With new versions of technology always being released, it is often difficult to keep up with the constant changes and to determine if the new version will offer significant benefits over the previous version. Think about how far the IBM ioperating system has come from its start as AS/400 in 1988 to OS/400 to i5/OS […]
Veeam Backup & Replication V7 on its Way!

Following up on our recent blog about instantaneous backup of virtual machines, Veeam recently announced its plans to deliver version 7 of its Backup & Replication solution in the third quarter of 2013. This new offering is said to offer a number of new, innovative features over version 6.5. […]
8 Interesting Facts About IBM i
In the April issue of IBM Systems Magazine, Mary Beth Kelley shares “8 Surprising Facts About IBM i From my First COMMON.” After spending several days interacting with IBM i clients and partners, she made a list of facts that caught her attention at the user group event. The following is a summary of her […]